1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women are fond of sucking in smoke from a fire built of small bits of dried tobacco leaves rolled in a paper chimney. Now if you’re a non-smoker, you probably have your own views on this ‘expression of personal freedom’. But both groups can agree it’s akin to lighting up your wallet … for tobacco enthusiasts the cost of smokes commands a small fortune - $1,600 a year for a pack-a-day smoker. Add to this the extra health insurance fees - an extra $25/month if you’re even an occasional smoker. For companies and business owners, the numbers smell equally bad.
Smokers cost companies $3,400 per year – each – thanks to the fact they miss 2.3 days more of work, have almost twice as much lost production time per week (smoking breaks?), and average $2,013 more in workers' compensation costs than nonsmokers. Earlier this year, an entrepreneur in Ireland caused a stir while recruiting for a new opening when he openly advertised “Smokers need not apply.” Hey, here’s an idea for business owners: give a $2,500 bonus to employees who quit smoking. You’ll save money in the first year and every year after. Of course, like most things this ‘plan’ has a downside… some of your nonsmoking staff may decide for this kind of dough, it’s time to try out that smooth, full flavored tobacco taste.