BossMan Action Figure - Boss Day

BossMan wants YOU to celebrate Boss Day

Boss Day Poster
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National Boss Day arrives on October 16. It's the one official day each year to say thanks to your boss. Yes, we know bosses have 364 unofficial days (or 365 in a leap year...) but there's just so much to thank them for.

for some bossy games and diversions, check out the right menu!

For great bosses, Boss's Day is an opportunity to acknowledge their encouragement and support, their mentoring, and their ability to regularly exorcise our best work from our brains and bodies.

For less-than-great bosses, it's a chance to manage your manager, inspire them to be a better boss, and to let them how you really feel about things in an honest, thoughtful way. (i.e. no flaming bags of dog poop at your boss's office door).

So, in celebration of National Boss Day we offer this humble haiku: (warning - for poetry purists out there, we tried not to completely destroy the art form; however, reading this may cause severe haiku injuries...)

Boss's Day
Sun fires autumn night
bountiful bossy gifts, or -
pink slips fall like leaves

More about the auspicious beginnings of Boss Day:

The first National Boss Day was celebrated in 1958 by Patricia Haroski, a secretary at State Farm Insurance Company. In 1970 she wrote about how and why she'd created the day:

I had worked for a large company and noticed that they never had a regular date set to pay tribute to our bosses. I made inquiries, and through my network of secretaries, decided to establish a day in their honor. Reflecting on how my father had helped his white-collar daughters and sons many times with their problems concerning their work, I decided to register his birthday, October 16, as 'The Day.' In 1958, I gave it some authority by registering October 16 as National Boss Day with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. In 1962, Illinois Governor Otto Kerner proclaimed the day. This observance is fun for our bosses, and they do a lot of smiling that day.

Patricia Haroski, founder of National Boss Day.

May your Boss Day be filled with lots of bossy love and happiness!

- Kris & Shirley

p.s. for more Bossy Fun...


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