Angry Employees Kidnap Bad News Bearing Boss
By Happy Worker
Topics: politics
Takeover is no longer the number one concern on the management list of hostile business threats....
97% of Fortune 500 CEOs Pee Standing Up
By Happy Worker Topics: politics
There are more women in the workforce than ever but at the top of the heap, only 13 of the Fortune...
Bad mouth your boss and you’ll get the boot
By Happy Worker Topics: politics
Remember the old saying, “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me?” This...
Blowing the Whistle Without Jumping The Shark
By Happy Worker Topics: politics
Heads-up for all you whistle-blowers-in-waiting… if you find yourself in the middle of another...
Singaporean workers: make sure you’re the “right stuff”
By Happy Worker Topics: politics
As of today, it's legal for Singaporean companies to require candidates to include their age,...
Geeks Have the Best Jobs... and accountants don't have it too bad either
By Happy Worker Topics: politics
According to Money Magazine, the number 1 job is.... drumroll please... Software Engineer. Yes,...