Geek Formulas for Dieting Success

Sitting at a computer all day can help any office worker pack on the pounds.  Nerd diet formulas will help logically minded workers swallow the burden of dieting for good. 

Geeks carry the burden of pulling programming all-nighters and require food that’s at arms length from the workstation.  As a result, the term ‘geek food’ was developed to describe the typically high fat, caffeinated, microwavable food consumed and enjoyed by computer nerds globally.

Rather than using a point system or tracking calories in the cubicle, geeks trust simple mathematical formulas designed with their own goals in mind, as their window to weight loss.  The Geek Diet, a new weight loss book by Mark Faithfull, describes a few of these formulas. 

Reducing portion sizes is a good way to get started at shedding the pounds, so by applying the formula (LET PLATE = .8 * PLATE), you’ll reduce your consumption by 20%! With veggies holding so much nutritional goodness, the formula (LET DINNER = 0.5 * VEGETABLES) will help fill your groaning tummy without packin’ on poundage.

Other Happy Worker fail-safe formula ideas include (LET SERVING = .2 * BAG OF CHIPS) to aid in snack rationing, or (TANG ≠ FRUIT SERVING) to help nerds consider the nutritional value of meals. Finally, using formulas like (1 CUP BROCCOLI > 1 CUP DORITOS) can help rank foods by nutritional value, rather than tastiness or convenience (the normal qualifiers of edibility for nerds)

Whether you’re an office oddball or just a part time geek, the office environment can reap havoc on your good dieting intentions. Known as a permanent supplier of guilty pleasures, your office mates may tempt you with everything from birthday cakes to happy hour beer in order to apply the strength in numbers principal to unhealthy eating. Rather than being swayed by their formula for fat, Registered Dietician Heather Reese suggests sharing your salad or inviting coworkers to join you on a lunchtime jaunt to stick with your office diet.

Unfortunately for geeks, aggressive thinking doesn’t reduce the waistline, but at least it will give those cerebral muscles a workout.  If your IT neighbor is threatening to burst out of his/her cubicle, perhaps a megabyte of veggies are in order. Actually, better make that gigabyte.

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