In my next working life, I’m moving to France

There’s more perks to living in France than fresh baguettes, black berets and really cheap wine. There’s the vacation time. Not only are French workers guaranteed a minimum of 5 weeks vacation, the average worker actually gets more - to the tune of 39 days a year. That’s 2.8 times more vacation than the average U.S. worker, who gets 14 days... and who isn’t legally guaranteed any time off. By comparison, Germans average 27 days off, Brits get 24 holiday days, Canadians average 19 vacation days and Aussies 17 days. More bad news for the American Worker… In 2006, U.S. employees will leave 4 vacation days unused, and 1 in 5 will cancel or put off vacations due to work. Of course, things could be worse… these days, Americans only work half the amount they did during the Industrial Revolution, and their leisure time has tripled.

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