Workers: Drugs Are Bad, Mmmmkay

According to a release put out today by the White House Drug Czar, 1 in 500 workers tested positive for methamphetamine in workplace drug screenings in the first half of 2006.

To which I asked the question - how many workers could either be going up or coming down while at work? According to a 2002 survey, 12.4 million American workers were users of illicit drugs. This means more than 8% of workers are ‘regular’ users… that is, they expand their minds at least once a month.

A 2001 survey (PDF) by the American Management Association revealed 67% of employers have some sort of employee testing program for illegal or controlled substances. A large drug testing company shared their 2003 annual workplace test results, which showed that marijuana was the working drug of choice, with 54% of positive workplace tests, compared with 23% for cocaine and 11% for amphetamines.

Scarily, the industry with the most heavy equipment operators also has highest drug use: construction and mining (12%), followed by wholesale and retail (11%), service and repairs (9%), and finance, insurance, and real estate (8%).
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