Sleeping on the Job Puts Productivity to Rest
By Happy Worker
The 2008 Sleep in American Poll by The Sleep Foundation shows that employee yawns are common in the...
New Lunch Room Spells Doom for Cafeterias
By Happy Worker
Your Neolithic lunchroom may soon be a thing of the past, as workplaces bite into their profits in...
Will Weighty Workers get Wii in the Workplace?
By Happy Worker
Before you get too excited, I should tell you that finding a Nintendo Wii under your office...
Cop's Early Retirement Plan... Smoke Some Dope
By Happy WorkerFollowing the white rabbit all the way to the office may lead to job loss, according to a recent...
Aristo-cat and Shirking Working Provide Secrets to Long Life
By Happy WorkerOur furry friends may be able to offer some interesting secrets to longevity. UK resident,...
Pain Affects Ability to Concentrate
By Happy WorkerOur brain finds it hard to do more than two things at once, especially if it uses the same part of...
Work can cause pain, injury and even death
By Happy WorkerWant to have a better chance of a safe workplace? Then work for a business with 10 or fewer...
International Stress Awareness Day: a great day to go postal
By Happy WorkerGoing bald from tearing out your hair? Denting your desk from repeated head banging? If so, today’s...
Light up and get Fired
By Happy Worker
1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women are fond of sucking in smoke from a fire built of small bits of dried...
Workers: Drugs Are Bad, Mmmmkay
By Happy WorkerAccording to a release put out today by the White House Drug Czar, 1 in 500 workers tested positive...
Stressed workers = happy workers?
By Happy WorkerUnhappy at work? Maybe you need more stress! (Psst... no telling my boss, ok!?) A survey by a large...
Warning: Working causes Cancer
By Happy WorkerIt’s finally time for business cards to include the same messages as cigarette packs. A study...
Wedgies at Work… when bullies grow up
By Happy WorkerEver wondered what happened to those kids who threw sticks and shouted taunts on the schoolyard?...
Sickly Geeks
By Happy WorkerAccording to a recent Canadian article, techy types are prone to a number of maladies, including "...